Client: SciArt Exchange

Partners: Ben Heim, Limitless Light & Sound, Newfangled Media Solutions

Sensing Deep Space: Pandora’s Cluster is a groundbreaking multisensory experience that blends art and science, guiding visitors through the Pandora’s Cluster region of space to reveal the vastness of the cosmos. The awe-inspiring Pandora's Cluster, a realm too distant for human exploration, becomes accessible through this artistic and scientific fusion.

The James Webb Space Telescope revolutionized deep space exploration, providing humanity with a gateway to the cosmos. This breakthrough allowed the creation of an installation that transcends earthly boundaries, letting visitors explore the uncharted expanses of space

SciArt Exchange brought me on the remotely manage the creative and technology direct the physical production of the experience that would go up in the Eisemann Center in Richardson, TX. I worked with the multimedia artist Ben Heim who created the entire experience that had to be for everyone, not just scientists. Ben translated complex data from the telescope into an interactive visual form that was easy enough for non-scientists to understand. We built an interactive theater space inside of a ballroom.

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I asked him to make something fairly impossible and gave him no room for compromise. He and his team figured out a way to do that.


McCann New York

He can be a real asset when amazing but complicated things need to get done.

Executive Creative

Serviceplan/Pereira O'Dell

Alexander had an impressive ability to explain complex ideas and functionality clearly & calmly.


Critical Mass

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Executive Creative & Technology Director
Global Director of Creative & Technology
Critical Mass
Head of Creative Technology
CTO, Innovation & Emerging Platforms
DDB North America

Any questions, comments, or general inquiries? You can also find me on LinkedIn.


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